While this year has been a rocky ride for so many of our local businesses, we started out with a bang.
Completing a big project
What an unbelievable job #teamirc did this week. I’m so proud of all my plumbers we easily got all 68 rooms on the fourth floor roughed in and inspected. After the tile guys finish we will put the fixtures in and off to the fifth and sixth floor . All 300 rooms will have been plumbed in a manner time I would have said was impossible a month ago. Any business is only as good as their employees and that’s what makes IRC Plumbing the best!!
Thank you guys for an awesome week! I can’t even tell you how great you guys did. What a learning experience for all of you and you’ll never forget this job. The Portofino is all yours!! 👍🏻❤️💪🏼🇺🇸 You worked as a team and with no ego’s and that’s the only way you can get a job like this done. We’ve come a long way fellows and we can do anything we want if we stick together.
On to even bigger projects where we can take care of all our families even better. I know it’s hard being away from our kids for even just a few days but it’s going to be worth it and remember we are doing it for them. We are right there with you suffering too. It’s all coming together just like I told all of you it would and there is no limit for us!!! Getting the work is the easy part I’ve always said but finding good guys to do it right with pride is the hard part.
Lucien Rizio